Visual Arts


Explore and Create

网赌正规真人实体在线平台的视觉艺术课程不仅提供了无数的探索机会 对艺术的历史和欣赏,还有你自己创造的潜力 meaningful. 你可以用相机捕捉到完美的瞬间,也可以让它栩栩如生 through painting or sculpture. Learn the in-depth technical expertise you need to 发展成为一个专业的艺术家,并利用校园俱乐部,场地和 events to showcase your creations to the world.

“我是网赌正规真人实体在线平台的毕业生,在2019 - 2020年参加了各种艺术课程. Taking art courses 帮助我获得了对我的艺术作品更有信心所需的技能. I am pursuing 平面设计的职业生涯和参加艺术课程使我的能力得到了发展 个人风格以及编辑和设计技术在广泛的设计 programs. 我喜欢平面设计课程,因为它们提供了机会 向其他学生学习,参加艺术表演,接受老师的优质帮助 也有机会继续练习和发展我的设计技能." 



Where do you fit in?

视觉艺术课程为学生提供了许多获得经验的机会 different media in the art world. From our faculty to our facilities, student success is our goal.

image of student painting

你可以用各种艺术媒介进行创作,比如纸、画布或木头, drawing, painting, illustration or life drawing. Our faculty are passionate working 艺术家谁愿意与你分享他们的知识,以帮助打开大门,你的 creativity.

image of student working designing on a computer

那些对平面设计和数码摄影媒体感兴趣的人接受指导 在一个拥有最新设备和软件的数字实验室里.

image of student working on a pottery wheel

你可以弄脏你的手,并在三维工作的创意果汁流动 arts like design, sculpture or ceramics. Students get hands-on experience with state of the art kilns, woodworking and power tools.

作为网赌正规真人实体在线平台的学生,你有很多选择来探索不同的艺术媒体,如下所示 是一个来自一些令人兴奋的地区的照片画廊吗!

Exhibit your creations

这里有几个地方可以展示你自己的作品,也可以观看你同行的作品 on campus. 展示空间包括位于A楼的学生艺术陈列室 网赌正规真人实体在线平台 Library and the Hawk Union Building (HUB). The Associated Students of Columbia 盆地学院(AS网赌正规真人实体在线平台)购买学生的艺术作品,以展示整个他们的 spaces and in the Esvelt Gallery for the annual Student Art Show held in May of each year.

你可以通过各种展览、艺术家讲座、工作坊来体验艺术 and demonstrations as part of the gallery program.

以下是2019年学生艺术展的一段短视频,其中展出了来自美国的艺术作品 our current students and of the drawing/painting classroom.


Scholarship Opportunities

视觉艺术项目每年提供多达7个奖学金,金额从500美元起 每名学生最高可获2,500元,用作一学年的学杂费 is typically fall, winter and spring quarters.

任何当前在校生或潜在学生都有资格申请. Scholarships are 全日制和非全日制学生均可申请,平均绩点不低于2分.5 or above.

If you are a prospective student, be sure to complete the 网赌正规真人实体在线平台 Admissions Application.

Steps to Complete Your Scholarship Application

  • 1. Complete the Foundation Application:

    Visit the Foundation Scolarship page to get started today!

    网赌正规真人实体在线平台基金会奖学金申请将于1月1日开始,截止日期为1月1日 February 28; however priority deadline for Art students is February 14.

  • 2. Initial Application Requirements:

    • Unofficial Transcripts
    • Select Visual Arts as your field of study
    • Entering freshmen or continuing students with a GPA of 2.5 or above.
  • 3. Follow-up questionnaire:

    一旦您提交了网赌正规真人实体在线平台基金会奖学金申请并符合艺术资格 你会注意到,在申请奖学金时,会有一个“后续”要求 your scholarship system dashboard. This is where you will upload your Art Portfolio & References.

    在后续工作完成之前,您的申请不会被视为完整. All 这些项目需要在优先截止日期前提交.

  • 4. Portfolio and Reference Requirements:

    • Submit 8 to 12 examples of your best artwork.
    • Layout the portfolio as a single document saved as a PDF.
    • 艺术品必须是数码拍摄的,每张照片都需要包括标题, medium, date and size.
    • 作品集中的艺术作品可以来自高中或大学课程,也可以是自己创作的 on your own time.
    • 列出两个与你无关的人的姓名、头衔、电话和电子邮件地址 to who are willing to serve as a personal reference. (Carefully select who will serve 因为他们可能会就您是否符合本条款而与您联系 Scholarship.)

Esvelt Gallery

image of reception in gallery

网赌正规真人实体在线平台视觉艺术学生体验的一个重要部分是埃斯维尔特画廊.  这个空间是展示地区和国家艺术家作品的理想场所, along with the 网赌正规真人实体在线平台 faculty and students.  Students can view, work or exhibiting in our gallery space. Contact the gallery%20director 有关在画廊观看、工作或展出的信息,或访问 Esvelt Gallery page on the 网赌正规真人实体在线平台 Arts Center website for additional information.

Careers in Visual Arts

视觉艺术课程可以作为许多学位和/或职业的基础 careers, such as:

  • Design

    Design is more than what is visible. Design is where idea comes from, the process 为了生成,评估的方法,以及传达它们的方式. Design is problem solving - problem solving that shapes the world. Areas include: Graphic, Interior, Industrial, Web or Architectural Design.

  • Commercial Prospects

    商业摄影师是具有艺术眼光的创意专业人士,他们知道  拍摄用于商业广告的高质量图像的摄影设备 of all types. 插画师被委托为各种各样的行业制作艺术作品 like fashion, advertising and publishing.

  • Academic

    美术教师在K-12和大学水平提供适当的学习活动 到这个年龄段的学生,才能培养出创造性的兴趣和能力 expression. 艺术史学家负责评估、修复和保存 historical artifacts and works of art. Art historians may be employed by art galleries, 博物馆、历史学会和非营利组织.

  • Studio Production Artist

    工作室艺术家工作在许多学科,如雕塑,绘画和素描使用 a variety of materials. 大多数艺术家都是独立工作的,或者是受委托的 受客户委托或自行主动创作艺术作品. They sell their works 以人才和声誉为基础,向博物馆、美术馆或直接向客户提供服务 built in the market.



Full-Time Faculty

Courses Taught: 设计,平面设计,专业实践和艺术鉴赏

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Courses Taught: Drawing, Illustration, Painting and Art History

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 Adjunct Faculty

Courses Taught: Art Appreciation and Photography

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 Courses Taught: Ceramics

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student working with tools in art