Sterile Processing Technician

开始在医疗设备和供应链管理作为无菌处理的职业生涯 技术员. 无菌处理技术人员对手术器械进行净化和消毒 和复杂的医疗设备,准备手术用品,秩序和维护医院 supplies, and provide service to hospital departments and patients.

无菌处理技术员(SPT)计划在网赌正规真人实体在线平台(网赌正规真人实体在线平台)准备 在无菌处理和材料管理的入门级职业生涯的学生. 无菌处理技术人员执行消毒和灭菌程序 需要确保对侵入性治疗和诊断设备进行适当的再处理, surgical instrumentation and medical supplies. Additional duties include assembly 检查手术器械,维护和运送病人设备, inventory control and supply ordering, and preoperative case preparation.

SPT项目是一个两个季度的项目,从春季开始,有选择性 招生过程. You must apply to the program. Applicants are screened according to timely 课程 completion and grades completed through winter quarter. 在 在该课程中,入学的学生将获得广泛的实践训练 and acquire 400 hours of applied technical experience in clinical settings. 在成功 完成所有证书和课程要求,学生将获得无菌证书 Processing Technician Short-Term Certificate.

无菌处理技术员计划的申请程序将于 September of each year for a program start for the following winter quarter. 例如, 该申请将于2023年9月开始,从冬季学期开始 2024.

请参阅此网页上的申请流程选项卡,了解有关计划的信息 需求. This tab is also where the program application will be posted each year.

所有对SPT项目感兴趣的学生都需要参加一个免费的一小时 会话信息. At the session a counselor or program representative will describe 该计划,先决条件,申请过程,并将回答问题 后来.


To view upcoming 会话信息s and register, please check our 事件日历.


Applicants must be a 网赌正规真人实体在线平台 student before applying to this program. If you are not currently a 网赌正规真人实体在线平台 student, please go to the 申请入学 page on the 网赌正规真人实体在线平台 website to enroll or request a paper application. 您还必须:

  • Attend a Sterile Processing Technician 会话信息
  • 当前的分班考试成绩能让他们进入数学40或更高,阅读 99或更高,英文& 101或ABE 90. 成绩单 from 网赌正规真人实体在线平台 or another college or university showing these courses have been fulfilled is also accepted.
  • 完成HSCI 147医学术语(5学分)课程,最低成绩为2.0 or enroll in HSCI 147 upon acceptance into Sterile Processing program

下次申请无菌处理技术员(SPT)计划的机会将 be in September 2024 for a winter quarter 2025 start. 在那里 will be instructions on how to  to submit an application when the 2025 application is available.

无菌处理技术员计划是一个两个季度的计划,并提供 一年一次. The program will start each winter quarter and is completed by the end 春季学期.

Applicants are required to include a copy of the following when applying:

  • American Heart Association BLS Provider CPR card/certificate
  • Current First Aid card
  • One 职业al letter of reference

For the accepted student:

网赌正规真人实体在线平台中心工作人员完成注册之前,您将被询问 由经批准的第三方进行全国背景调查和药物筛选 公司. 这些信息将决定学生是否有资格完成临床测试 课程. Inability to complete a clinical rotation due to the information obtained 从背景调查或药物筛选可能使学生没有资格参加该计划. 学生将被要求上传所需的免疫接种文件到 the immunization tracker before being allowed to attend clinical. 

学生的背景调查、药物筛选和免疫追踪的费用 will be approximately $170.00.

Professional Licensure Outside of Washington State

Each state, the District of Columbia and the U.S. protectorates vary in what 职业s 他们需要获得执照,以及这些执照的教育要求. 这是 重要的是要了解你从网赌正规真人实体在线平台获得的学位或证书是否会 满足所在州对执照的教育资格要求 你打算练习.

View educational licensure 需求 by state.


National 背景搜索 & Drug Screen Requirements

作为网赌正规真人实体在线平台课程入学要求的一部分,申请人必须 在工作前成功通过犯罪背景调查和毒品筛查 patients in clinical areas. The background check and drug screen are paid by the student and administered through a third party 公司, CastleBranch. 除了网赌正规真人实体在线平台要求的背景调查外,每个临床设施都保留 有权在允许学生入学前进行自己的犯罪背景调查 to enter its health care facilities for clinical participation.

某些刑事定罪,未决指控或负面行为可能自动 取消一个人在无人监督的情况下接触脆弱的成年人,青少年的资格 和孩子. Clinical facilities reserve the right to accept or decline a  student’s placement in its facility.     

The healthcare industry is one of the largest employers in the United States. 在那里 are a variety of names for sterile processing 技术员s:

  • Certified Registered Central Service Technician (CRCST)
  • Sterile processing and distribution 技术员
  • Sterilization 技术员
  • Sterile instrument 技术员
  • Medical instrument 技术员
  • Central sterile 技术员

完成SPT项目后,在任何有医疗设备的地方都可以找到工作 常用的,例如:

  • 医院
  • Dental surgery clinics
  • Outpatient care centers
  • Specialty care centers
  • Ambulatory surgery centers
  • Medical equipment processing facilities
  • 胃肠道内窥镜检查诊所
  • Medical supply and equipment distributors

有了额外的教育和经验,SPT项目的毕业生可以朝着 认证为:

  • Certified Instrument Specialist (CIS)
  • Certified Endoscope Reprocessor (CER)
  • Certified Healthcare Leader (CHL)

成为一名无菌处理技术人员为其他医疗人员提供了一个跳板 career opportunities, allowing you employment while furthering your education.  而 作为一名SPT,你将体验到各种各样的医学领域 你可以从事其他领域的工作,比如外科技术、注册护理、放射学 技术等. Overall, one of the best ways to increase your pay as a SPT is to obtain additional education and certifications.

Program 学习ing Outcomes for the Sterile Processing Technician Certificate

项目学习成果是学生将获得的知识、技能和能力 achieve before they graduate. The outcomes below were developed by the faculty in 无菌处理技术员与认证机构,咨询委员会, 雇主等. This collaboration ensures that the outcomes are relevant for careers that this degree leads to.

毕业时获得无菌处理技术员证书的学生将能够 to:

  1. 将生物科学和感染过程的知识与安全的病人护理联系起来 
  2. 评估无菌处理环境中存在的问题并综合解决方案 批判性思维 
  3. 确定无菌处理技术人员在整个范围内的协作角色 of healthcare settings 
  4. 将感染控制和预防原则应用于有效处理器械; equipment, and supplies 
  5. 按照行业标准操作医疗器械后处理设备 建议实践 
  6. 应用无菌处理的安全规程和推荐的操作标准 职业 
  7. 通过预测不同医疗保健的需求,提供卓越的客户服务 团队 
  8. Communicate effectively with 团队 members and sterile processing customers  
  9. 根据标准、建议提供准确一致的文件。 and guidelines for 职业al practice  
  10. Demonstrate 职业al performance in attitude and personal conduct


  • 电子邮件

  • 电话:509-544-8300

  • 地址:北门博士891号.华盛顿州里奇兰,99352二楼

  • 办公时间:Monday to Thursday: 7 am to 4:30 pm星期五:上午7时至中午

Health Science Center Richland