


As a student in 网赌正规真人实体在线平台's 农业 Program, you can explore the limitless opportunities 可从事农业方面的工作. 课程旨在为您提供更深入的了解 现代农业的基础科学. 你会发展出一种能力 think critically 和 communicate through both spoken 和 written media.


This program provides the general 和 science education courses appropriate for students who are interested in pursuing a Bachelor’s of 科学 in 农业 和 related 字段. Students will be introduced to agricultural systems, animal science 和 crop 增长 & 发展. 他们 will learn skills to get a head start in a variety of agriculture 设置.

网赌正规真人实体在线平台有一个定制的发音协议 田间作物管理  和 果蔬管理 与华盛顿州立大学(WSU)合作,并在美国获得了学士学位 农业系统 from Walla Walla Community College (WWCC) intented to eliminate duplication of coursework 更好地整合WSU和WWCC的转学途径.

See a completion coach for assistance selecting courses for your pathway.


This program is designed for students who are interested in an agribusiness career. Students will learn about the fundamentals of accounting 和 economics paired with 一般农业概念. 他们将探索发展中的农业 在哥伦比亚盆地.


  • 销售代表
  • 农场/牧场经理
  • 商店经理
  • 作物顾问
  • 外勤人员


This program prepares students for a career in agricultural crop production, precision 农业,水培和温室管理. 学生将学会识别 和 describe crop varieties, pests, diseases 和 weeds of the Pacific Northwest. 他们 will gain skills in utilizing precision agriculture techniques in crop production 灌溉管理.


  • 现场人员/专家                                         
  • 农业机械
  • 作物顾问
  • 农业技术人员
  • 水培顾问
  • 温室经理
  • 精准农业技术人员


This program is designed for students who are interested in an agribusiness career. Students will learn advanced skills 和 training in business operations, leadership 和管理. 他们 also learn advanced accounting 和 financial management skills 在农业环境中.

Students from Walla Walla Community College who have completed an Associates of Applied 农业经营理学学位 谁会遵循所附的建议建议 can matriculate into 网赌正规真人实体在线平台's Bachelor of Applied 科学 degree in Applied Management 主修农业.   


  • 生产经理                     
  • 作物顾问
  • 温室经理
  • 农场/牧场经理                   
  • 销售代表
  • 农学家                                    
  • 精准农业专家
  • 农业教育工作者和其他!


Since 农业 is such a broad discipline, you may also find courses listed under 农业 (AG), Horticulture (HORT) or Agricultural Food Systems (AFS). 发现 获得学位所需的课程.





  • 转移准备好了

    Choose from three transfer-ready two-year degrees in 农业 to make a smooth 转学到你选择的四年制大学!

  • 工作做好了准备

    Our Bachelor of Applied 科学 in Applied Management with an 农业 Concentration will broaden your career opportunities by helping you learn management strategies 以及农业特有的技术.

  • 准备好了? 集. GO!

    The choice is yours - the 农业 program at 网赌正规真人实体在线平台 is waiting to help you develop an appreciation 和 underst和ing of the social, economic 和 environmental significance 土壤-植物界面. 今天就选择你的农业项目路径!






职业生涯 in agriculture are vast 和 provide many opportunities in a wide range of 字段. Do you want to design agricultural machinery components 和 equipment, sketch 和 propose new sites 和 systems, scout 字段 和 recommend herbicides, or meet 客户或企业? 来网赌正规真人实体在线平台接受你需要的培训 a/an职业:




查理N. 和Helen C. 考克斯农业学院捐赠

查理和海伦·考克斯成立了查理N. 和Helen C. 考克斯农业学院 Endowment to support the advancement students in the 网赌正规真人实体在线平台 农业 program. 

$1,000 scholarships are available to students pursuing 农业 degrees at 网赌正规真人实体在线平台.


Any currently enrolled students are eligible to apply if they pass two AG prefixed 一个季度的课程. 在接下来的一个季度,他们将需要注册 至少修完两门AG课程才能获得奖学金. 



农业 students enrolled in the Associate in Applied 科学 (AAS) in 农业 生产有机会检查笔记本电脑. 联系主任 农业、教育、研究 & 发展



工作 & 实习

Students who believe on-campus employment opportunities could be a valuable part of their education are encouraged to apply for Summer 2022 opportunities. 

实习生 could be exposed to 和 learn about agricultural 和 plant science research disciplines including Plant Pathology, Entomology, Genetics, Breeding, Plant Physiology, 分子生物学与精准农业. 实习生将参与研究 programs assisting with planting, transplanting, fertilizing, 和 收获 horticultural 和 agronomic crops (peppers, melons, forage legumes, grapes, apples) during summer 生长期(六月至八月). 被选中的实习生将工作并接触到 research in a rotation through three working environments (网赌正规真人实体在线平台, Pasco; Washington State University’s Irrigated 农业 Research 和 Extension Center 和 United States Department of 农业, 农业 Research Service (also 在IAREC),普罗塞,西澳大利亚州)工作10周(每周40小时).



网赌正规真人实体在线平台还在校园里提供勤工俭学的工作. 如果你有资格获得联邦或州援助, 和 are willing to work in agriculture department 19 hours/week, apply at our 学生就业网站.

As the number one employer in Eastern Washington, the agriculture industry offers 令人兴奋和具有挑战性的职业机会. 网赌正规真人实体在线平台的农业学位课程提供 students with the necessary skills 和 abilities that employers desire.


工作 related to agriculture in Washington state are as diverse as the crops produced. 了解更多关于农业产业的信息,请访问 农业卓越中心网页.​




Program learning outcomes are the knowledge, skills, 和 abilities that students will 在毕业前取得成就. 下面的结果是由教师开发的 农业 with input from accrediting bodies, advisory committees, employers, etc. This collaboration ensures that the outcomes are relevant for careers that this degree 导致.

Students graduating with an AA or an AAS from the 农业 Program will be able to:

  1. Identify 和 describe crop varieties, pests, diseases, 和 weeds from planting through 收获.
  2. Demonstrate proper safety procedures in all aspects of crop production.
  3. 演示生产设备的正确使用和维护.
  4. 在作物生产和灌溉中运用精密技术.
  5. 表现出对农业业务和市场营销的理解.
  6. Describe systems of production 和管理 of animal husb和ry.


  • 电子邮件:mathscienceengineering@ahriya.net

  • 电话:509-542-4873

  • 地址:2600 N. 20日大街.华盛顿州帕斯科99301T楼202室

  • 办公时间:星期一至四:上午七时至下午四时三十分星期五:上午7时至中午
