

All 网赌正规真人实体在线平台 campuses open for normal operations, classes, and activities. 

报名参加 鹰警报 to recieve the most up to date information regarding closures or delays due to inclement 天气.  

If you are not yet receiving 天气 delay, closure and other 网赌正规真人实体在线平台 Alerts via text messages or to your personal email address, log in to 鹰警报 自定义通知首选项.



We will communicate 天气-related closure or 推迟的决定 in variety of ways, 包括:

  • 通过Hawk Alert发出的警报
  • 网赌正规真人实体在线平台网站顶部的警告横幅
  • 社交媒体上关于 网赌正规真人实体在线平台的脸谱网页面
  • Automated messages on the 网赌正规真人实体在线平台 main phone line (509-547-0511)
  • 电子邮件s to your college-provided student email address

However, if inclement 天气 impacts essential services (e.g.,电力,互联网, cell service), announcements may be limited to the communication tools available – 如果有任何.

所有学生的电子邮件地址(name@students.columbiabasin.Edu)是自动订阅的, 但是账户需要每两年更新一次. 我们鼓励你也报名参加 our Hawk Alert Notification System on your cell phone and/or personal email. 社区 会员也可以注册.



不,我们不会. 不通知即不取消或延迟. 但是,请记住 that conditions may change rapidly, so an announcement to close a campus, delay the start time of classes or early release/closure may be made at any time.

We do not send notifications if the campus is open. 不通知即不取消 或者延迟启动. Please avoid calling campus phone extensions to ask staff about 可能的校园关闭或延迟.

网赌正规真人实体在线平台 administrators, safety and facilities staff assess current and developing 天气 conditions at 网赌正规真人实体在线平台 campuses and the surrounding areas in making 天气 closure or 推迟的决定. We also collaborate with school districts, Washington State University Tri-Cities and public safety officials with the cities and counties.

Closures, delayed starts or early releases may be announced at any time due to changing 天气状况. However, we make every effort to announce morning closures by 5:15 am and evening class cancellations by 3:30 pm.

网赌正规真人实体在线平台 rarely makes an announcement the night before because our crews work overnight 准备校园停车场和人行道. 城市和县的犁耕也在进行中 work overnight, so the conditions of roads at 9 pm may improve by the early morning 小时.

We have the College community’s safety and best interests at the center of all decisions. While the timing of announcements will not always be ideal for everyone, we encourage students to use caution and assess your local situations to determine if you feel 舒适的校园旅行. We understand that everyone does not live close to 网赌正规真人实体在线平台, so always assess 天气状况 in your local area before determining whether 你觉得旅行是安全的. If you are unsure if it is prudent to travel, please use your personal judgment and make the best decision for yourself regarding coming 去学校. Students who are not comfortable commuting are asked to notify their instructors via Canvas that they will not be in class due to travel concerns. 最终,它是 up to each faculty member to determine how they will handle these types of absences.

We encourage students and faculty to use Canvas to communicate with each other during 恶劣天气时期.

When we announce a delayed start, faculty also have the discretion to cancel classes on an individual basis for 天气-related travel concerns and will inform students about a cancellation directly via Canvas at least 90 minutes before the class start time.

We encourage students and faculty to use Canvas to communicate with each other during 恶劣天气时期.

Students are asked to use their personal judgement to determine whether or not they 去学校旅行舒服吗. 如果你觉得通勤不舒服 unable to attend classes, students are asked to notify their instructors via Canvas that they will not be in class due to travel concerns. 最终,这取决于每个人 faculty member to determine how they will handle these types of absences.

We encourage students and faculty to use Canvas to communicate with each other during 恶劣天气时期.

Some faculty members may attempt to set a makeup session when students are available or use other means to complete the missed assignments. 这个决定由自由裁量权决定 教职员工.

We encourage students and faculty to use Canvas to communicate with each other during 恶劣天气时期.

是的. If the campus is closed, all activities and events are cancelled, and the campus is closed to all students, the public and non-essential personnel.

Please be cautious and take extra time to arrive on campus and while walking on campus. Please wear appropriate footwear to help avoid a slip or fall.

Our grounds, custodial and maintenance teams arrive early during snowy or icy conditions to prepare campus walkways and work throughout the day to maintain sidewalks and parking 很多. However, depending on changing conditions, not all areas of campus may be cleared 在任何时候.


  • 电子邮件:campussecurity@ahriya.net

  • 电话:509-542-4819

  • 地址:2600 N. 20日大街.华盛顿州帕斯科99301V建筑

  • 办公时间:星期一至四:上午七时至下午四时三十分星期五:上午7时至中午
